The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Laos Mel Support Services Contract is a 5-year award led by Bixal Solutions, Inc. that provides USAID/Laos with technical and advisory services or design, Monitoring & Evaluation, and Learning, Collaboration Learning and Adapting, and Knowledge Management at strategy and activity levels in areas such as health, education, economic development, clean energy, improved governance, rule of law, and persons with disabilities.
The goal of the USAID Laos Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Support Activity is to support USAID/Laos, implementing partners (IPs), and stakeholders to improve evidence-based decision-making through better data use, strategic collaboration, and adaptive management. The project’s two main objectives are as follows: Task 1: Technical Assistance in the Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation of USAID Laos Strategies, and Activities; Task 2: CLA, KM, and Advisory Services at the Strategy and Activity Level.
Among the poorest countries in Southeast Asia, the Government of Laos views the country’s energy sector as a key driver of its economic growth. Development of the abundant hydro generation potential of the Mekong River and its tributaries, coupled with significant investment in transmission and distribution, has resulted in a 95% electrification rate for its citizens. It is also part of the national strategy to become the “Battery of Southeast Asia.
Laos Energy Security is a part of the US Government’s initiative: “Enhancing Development and Growth through Energy” (ASIA EDGE). ASIA EDGE supports expanded access to energy, promotes greater diversity in sources of energy generation, enhances regional energy trade and integration of energy markets, and strengthens energy security throughout the Indo-Pacific region.
USAID Laos MEL Support Services seeks to engage a Team Lead evaluation consultant to lead and conduct a performance evaluation of USAID’s Energy Security program in Laos. The purpose of this evaluation of USAID’s Energy Security activity is to provide USAID/Laos with an analysis on the effectiveness of the activity in achieving its overall objectives as well as assess the progress toward achieving its goals of improving energy sector planning; strengthening the policy, legal, and regulatory framework of the energy sector; and improving performance of state-owned utilities.
The evaluation should provide actionable insights to strengthen current and future energy security activities as well as provide insights on the current challenges facing implementation. By leveraging lessons learned and best practices, the evaluation endeavors to strengthen the current and future programs and ultimately provide support to improve the planning, policies, and performance of the Lao energy sector.
The assignment will last from approximately November 2024 through April 2025, with an estimated total of 50 days of LoE. The assignment will be fully or nearly fully remote, with a possible trip required to collect data in Laos.